What is communication access?

What is communication access?

Communication access is a human right.

Scope says that “Communication Access is when everyone can get their message across.”    

About the Communication Access Symbol

This is the Communication Access Symbol.

Feature communication access symbol ability consultants

When you see this symbol, it means:

  • you will be treated with dignity and respect;
  • you will be given time to get your message across; and
  • you will have access to tools to help you get your message across.

Examples include:

  • documents that are easy to read;
  • clear signs;
  • hearing loops; and
  • technology that is easy to use

Our team at Ability Consultants:

  • wants to understand your message
  • will give you time to get your message across
  • can try other ways of communicating.

Blog communication access easy read

For further information, read on. 

What is communication access?

It can be easy to take communication for granted — whether it be dialling a number and ordering a pizza or reading the menu at a local restaurant. For many of us, communication isn’t always that simple and flexibility from others can make a difference.

So what is communication access?

“Communication Access is when everyone can get their message across.”
- Scope

It means that people are respectful towards individuals with communication difficulties and that they strive to find ways to communicate.

What does accessible communication look like?

Accessible communication is when you’re treated with respect and dignity; when others listen to you and you are given time to get your message across. It also means that others are open to using new and different methods of communication.

In day-to-day life, this might mean information is given in a format that is easy to read, or a store might have clear signs, hearing loops or technology that is easy to use.

Our team at Ability Consultants takes part in Communication Access training through Scope. We’ve also developed our own communication access book which supports individuals with speech or language difficulties.

Our online forms can be completed over the phone with a member of our team, and you can also book a video call. We can also organise a free interpreter for NDIS participants throughout the behaviour support process.

To find out more about accessible communication at Ability Consultants, check out our article Communication Access at Ability Consultants.

Why is communication access important?

Communication access is a human right. In 2008, the Australian government signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (2006), which means that our country is committed to:

  • removing discrimination;
  • offering communication methods other than speech;
  • ensuring there are accessible formats when giving and receiving information (freedom of people with disability to access information); and
  • recognising that people with disability may use technology, tools or the support of others to communicate.

Communication access is a step towards inclusivity; to help all individuals feel welcome and to ensure we are all able to communicate with each other. At Ability Consultants, this means that individuals with disability and their support teams can easily access positive behaviour support.

Here’s a great video about Communication Access by Scope, “What is Communication Access - Information in Auslan”.

More information about this video and the Communication Access Symbol can be found on the Scope website.

What is the Communication Access Symbol?

Scope is an organisation which provides communication access assessment and accreditation. When you see Scope’s Communication Access Symbol, this indicates that an organisation or place is communication accessible. This is the Communication Access Symbol: 

Feature communication access symbol ability consultants

Ability Consultants is accredited to use Scope’s Communication Access Symbol. This means we’ve met the standards that make our service communication accessible, for example:

  • our team is welcoming and treats everyone with dignity and respect;
  • our team is able to communicate successfully with people with communication difficulties; and
  • we offer communication tools to help people get their message across and to help us understand what people are telling us.

Inclusivity and accessibility are important to us. It’s important that we offer accessible communication — we all have a right to communicate and we can find ways to make it work through small, meaningful steps.

To find out more about how we can communicate with you, click here and for information about Scope’s Communication Access accreditation, click here.


What is communication access?

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