Working on the Operations Team

James Thompson

15 January 2021 | 1 min read

Working on the Operations Team

Working on the Operations Team here at Ability Consultants has been a wonderful breath of fresh air and change of path. After 25 years working, training, recruiting and life coaching in the field of sales and marketing, I was ready for a change and desiring to help others on a larger scale. 

Being able to coordinate and facilitate behind the scenes in order to help people in need receive the support they deserve is more fulfilling than any mentoring or sales awards could ever have hoped to aspire to deliver. The entire Operations Team shares the same passion for helping others that I do, making it even more enjoyable to be a part of a team of like-minded and focused individuals.

From the moment a new referral comes in, to drafting a needs-specific Service Agreement, sending it out, receiving a signed copy and liaising with clinicians to gauge their capacity, the entire process is itself rewarding; knowing that each step is one closer to a soul getting the support they so deserve and require, and for their loved ones as well. 

Being able to reach out to multiple clinicians in the client's area with the relevant experience feels great, ensuring that I can help to keep our waitlists low as part of our shared desire through our implemented processes. Sometimes I feel I am a serious nag with my constant correspondence, but it is for the greater good! The end result it to make sure that the client is connected with a fantastic clinician for them, as soon as we can, and that the client can be supported in the environment they are most comfortable in. 

I cannot think of any other option for a career that I would rather do than be a cog in such an important wheel.

James Thompson

Administration Wizard.


Working on the Operations Team

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