Tick Number One

Jane Pfaff

01 June 2020 | 3 min read

Tick Number One

As a carer you need to firstly care for yourself!

For some of us, during Covid 19, practicing social distancing and only going out for essential trips, life became a lot simpler. But, as a carer, particularly of someone who may not understand why this is happening, I can only try and imagine how difficult and demanding this must be.

All people in a caring role are heroes. With day programs and supported employment programs disrupted, all carers have been finding the current arrangements particularly challenging. Those employed by organisations providing accommodation service as carers have often found themselves in the situation of having all the clients at home 24/7. 

Carers who are looking after a loved one within the family home, are not provided an opportunity to have any or much ‘me’ time. It is very important for these carers to look after themselves so that they remain healthy and able to continue in that very special caring role.

You might have found some of the other blogs on our website, about activities useful in finding some things that spark an interest in the person you care for. If you haven’t, take a look, you might even find some of these could be beneficial for you.

I know it’s hard: when you get the opportunity to have a few minutes to yourself, you are probably using it to do housework, laundry, cooking or shopping.

IT IS SO IMPORTANT to take some time out for yourself


  • Read a book for 10 minutes
  • Put in your earplugs and listen to some music, the radio or an audiobook
  • Grab a cup of coffee or tea and find a sunny spot in the garden
  • Call a friend for a chat
  • Manicure your nails
  • Do some gardening
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Bake a cake
  • Watch part of a favourite series or movie
  • Download a mindfulness app and go through an activity

Make sure that before undertaking any of these tasks that you ensure that the person you care for is either insight or safe.

If you are lucky enough to get a spare hour or two

  • Make an appointment at the hairdressers
  • Have a soak in the tub
  • Go for a walk


Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. You probably have family, friends, neighbours or health care workers that you can call on to talk or offer assistance.

Please find below a number of sites where you can seek professional advice and support. Don’t be afraid to reach out when things get tough.





Article eleanor brown self care quote

Tick Number One

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