Kenya Kids International: giving young Kenyans a brighter future

Melody Dexter with KKI

07 June 2023 | 5 min read

Kenya Kids International: giving young Kenyans a brighter future

We support Kenya Kids International (KKI), an Australian charity that strengthens the lives of children and communities in the Karungu community in Kenya.

About Kenya Kids International

Kenya Kids International (KKI) is a registered Australian charity founded by Rob and Rikki Fisher, who are based in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales.

Kenya Kids International partners with local community members in Kenya to improve access to food and water and improve education and training outcomes.

The Ability Consultants ethos resonates with Kenya Kids International. We both seek to empower people in an individual and positive way, so they can attain a better quality of life, and educate and empower others in their own communities.
The administrative overhead is low. The proportion of funds reaching the people in Kenya is high. The comparative impact on individuals and communities per dollar, is so much higher in Kenya than in the Australian context. And for every one successful sponsorship, we help an entire community. Every doctor, teacher, engineer or leader KKI sponsors, is a new node in a growing healthy human economy in Kenya. Also, every Australian dollar goes a long way and helps reduce disadvantage in Kenya. Freedom and social connection on all levels, wherever we can empower that.
— David Ackling-Jones, CEO of Ability Consultants

Article kenya kids international ability consultants

    Supporting education in Kenya

    On their mission to break the cycle of poverty, Kenya Kids International supports students studying in secondary schools and universities in Kenya. KKI is committed to improving educational outcomes through student sponsorship and the provision of educational resources.

    Vital school resources and facilities

    Kenya Kids International recognises that they can help orphans and vulnerable children overcome barriers to education by providing the necessary school supplies to continue learning. KKI provides primary school students with educational resources such as stationery and uniforms, while high school and university students receive assistance with fees, board and living away from home expenses.

    A number of schools in the area lack sufficient infrastructure and KKI is working to build more classrooms and hygiene facilities for students and staff, as well as housing for teachers who would otherwise have difficulty accessing school each day.

    Completing secondary education and beyond

    Many children in the region are partial or complete orphans and families struggle to pay the required school fees for students to attend and complete secondary school. Kenya Kids International supports students who show academic promise through individual sponsorship and by providing a mentor to each student. Throughout their secondary school years, their mentor provides much-needed encouragement and support.

    A number of students have continued beyond their secondary education to university, including Sara and Vincent who are studying for a Bachelor of Education, Sharon who is studying accountancy and Gerald who is studying to become a surgeon.

    Food security is a challenge, with students lacking access to adequate food which contributes to poor educational outcomes. Kenya Kids International supports students by providing breakfast and lunch at Agolomuok Primary School. In addition, KKI encourages school programs where students and teachers grow fruit and vegetables in a school garden to support students’ nutritional needs.

    Article kenya kids international first fruits

    Micro-financing, education & training

    In efforts to empower local communities, Kenya Kids International’s First Fruits program is a micro-financing program. For example, KKI loans livestock to families to breed and sell and KKI offers interest-free loans for families to buy goods for resale.

    The First Fruits program offers training in how to establish and run a successful business venture. Participants develop a business plan detailing revenue and expenses whilst a mentor is appointed to support them in establishing their business.

    Article kenya kids international education

    Improving water accessibility in Kenya

    Currently, many members of the Agolomuok Community must walk 5-6km to Lake Victoria to access water for drinking, cooking and washing — water that is not suitable for consumption.

    Kenya Kids International is seeking to improve access to water in the Agolomuok community by improving upon the existing Agolomuok Community Water Project. The artesian bore cannot supply water to four water kiosks as the submersible pump has failed. Investigations are underway as to the best way KKI can assist more community members to access clean water.

    Supporting families with special needs

    Kenya Kids International supports families with special needs, by providing food, medicine, clothing and shelter. For example, Kenya Kids International supported 12-year-old Pherdinand who had been experiencing seizures since the age of four. KKI provided access to a local hospital and paid Pherdinand’s medical fees, which led to an accurate diagnosis of epilepsy. After securing suitable medication, Pherdinard no longer experiences seizures.

    Article kenya kids international macalder babies home

    Supporting Macalder Mine Babies Home

    Kenya Kids International has been supporting the Macalder Mine Babies Home since 2019. Specifically, KKI supports the work of six nuns who run the orphanage, including a doctor and a nurse. The Home cares for up to 16 babies and children, with many of the children in care following the death of their mother during childbirth and due to the absence of prenatal care. KKI has supplied a cow to provide fresh milk for children at the orphanage and provided medical treatment for a seriously ill baby. KKI also funds a play therapist who works 2 days a week at the home.

    The Macalder Mine Babies Home is also home to a health clinic that provides treatment for many people in the district. The Macalder Mine Babies Home hopes to raise funds to build and equip a full medical ward where more advanced treatment and care can be provided, to benefit both the orphanage and the community.

    How you can support Kenya Kids International

    Consider becoming a member of Kenya Kids International, becoming a corporate sponsor or supporting local communities by donating towards student sponsorship, business opportunities, infrastructure, fresh water and health. Visit the Kenya Kids International website for more information to see the impact you can make.

    Article kenya kids international support

    Find out more by watching our video below, where Dave has a chat with Rob and Rikki about volunteering and creating change. 

    Kenya Kids International: giving young Kenyans a brighter future

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