In Loving Memory of Dr David Manchester

David Ackling-Jones

22 October 2021 | 1 min read

In Loving Memory of Dr David Manchester

David, thank you for joining our team of behaviour clinicians 12 months ago.

You passed away on 26 September, 2021, but you will always be our leader, and we will forever be honoured to be a part of your team. I don't believe our bonds to the people we care about end when they pass on, so forgive me for speaking in the present tense, about your impact on me, and the small window into your life I was fortunate to see through, as your colleague and friend.

Your loss is being deeply felt among your enormous international network, as a researcher, trainer, consultant and clinical leader in the areas of neuropsychology, clinical psychology, brain injury, motivational interviewing, positive behaviour support, advocacy, rehabilitation and disability. This is not to mention your loving family and circle of dear friends we met for the first time, at your Memorial Service on Wednesday this week.

I met you as Practice Leader of Psychology at the Department of Aging Disability and Homecare well over a decade ago. In that role, you enabled many of us to begin our careers in Behaviour Support. You established ethical and professional standards and helped us to always focus on making life better for our clients. Over the past year, you added to that legacy by leading our team in the creation of the Centre of Excellence in Positive Behaviour Support Leadership program. This program is nurturing the next generation of practitioners and mentors in our team.

We were blessed to witness your strength of character, incisive mind, and humility. You made each one of us feel listened to and validated, and you gently guided us toward being better practitioners and people. Your wisdom and respect were evident in the fact that you never used your encyclopaedic knowledge or your insight to force any of us into better thinking--instead, you left us feeling that our thoughts were intrinsically valuable and that you were always learning, even from us.

Your kindness and thoughtfulness as a sensitive and compassionate friend will also be missed by those of us lucky enough to have been some part of your life outside of work.

With love, respect and deep gratitude,

David Ackling-Jones and the Ability Consultants Team.


In Loving Memory of Dr David Manchester

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