We help our PBS practitioners navigate the NDIS PBS Capability Framework

Ability Consultants Team

19 February 2025

We help our PBS practitioners navigate the NDIS PBS Capability Framework

If you’re a Positive Behaviour Support practitioner, or thinking about becoming one, you may have heard about the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework. It’s a mouthful, we know, but we’ll break it down for you.

The role of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is to support the provision of services for Australians with disability.

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) exists to protect the rights of NDIS participants and guide the work of NDIS providers in Australia.

Article NDIS pbs capability framework

What is the NDIS PBS Capability Framework?

The NDIS Commission oversees the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Capability Framework. The PBS Capability Framework outlines the skills and abilities required by Positive Behaviour Support practitioners who support NDIS participants in Australia. These are referred to as capabilities.

The PBS Capability Framework encourages best practice in Positive Behaviour Support, leading to better outcomes for NDIS participants.

The PBS Capability Framework defines the capabilities required at each level (Core, Proficient, Advanced and Specialist) and outlines the practice standards for behaviour support.

There are seven capability domains:

  1. Interim Response
  2. Functional Assessment
  3. Planning
  4. Implementation
  5. Know it Works
  6. Reduce and Eliminate Restrictive Practice
  7. Continuing Professional Development and Supervision.

You can find more information about the seven domains in the PBS Capability Framework.

Article NDIS positive behaviour support capability framework

Supporting our behaviour support practitioners through the NDIS PBS Capability Framework

As an NDIS provider specialising in Positive Behaviour Support, we help our practitioners navigate the PBS Capability Framework. The NDIS Commission requires you to complete a self assessment tool which includes an endorsement from your clinical supervisor who has reviewed your portfolio of evidence.

Support from our Learning and Development Team Leader

In your early days as a behaviour support practitioner at Ability Consultants, our Learning and Development Team Leader will meet with you to help you get started with the Capability Framework Self-Assessment process. They’ll be available to support you throughout the process.

Support from your mentor / Team Leader

Every behaviour support practitioner at Ability Consultants is allocated their own mentor, otherwise known as your Team Leader. They provide you with 1-1 clinical supervision and support every week. As you progress through the PBS Capability Framework, your Team Leader will help you identify areas of capability and areas for improvement. Together, you can decide if these areas for improvement will be included in your Individual Learning and Development Plan.

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Individual Learning and Development Plans

You’ll drive the creation of your Individual Learning and Development plan (ILDP), which is a key tool to accelerate your progress through the PBS Capability Framework. Each quarter, you’ll review your ILDP with your Team Leader, to help you stay on track to meet your goals.

PBS Capability Framework Self-Assessment guide

While completing your self-assessment, you’ll have access to our custom PBS Capability Framework Self-Assessment checklists. Our checklists include step by step processes as well as templates, examples of portfolio evidence and work samples that have been mapped to the domains. As you carry out your work as a behaviour support practitioner, you’ll be creating documents that you can submit as part of your portfolio of evidence (de-identified).

Periodic Service Review (PSR)

The Periodic Service Review (PSR) is how we review each individual service, track quality, and identify learning needs across the team. The PSR is mapped to the PBS Capability Framework and linked to your individual learning plan.

Positive Behaviour Support training

We offer our behaviour support practitioners online and in-person training. Each of our online learning courses are mapped to the appropriate capability domain and you’ll receive a certificate of completion for each course, serving as evidence for the relevant capability domain in the PBS Capability Framework.

Article NDIS pbs capability framework training

Research, Study, Conference Attendance, and Special Projects

Your learning plan is unique and Ability Consultants invests in your individual goals to:

  • lead a new clinical project
  • research a topic of interest
  • attend or present research at a conference
  • build leadership skills as an Advanced practitioner
  • study to become a clinical Specialist.

We do this to celebrate your learning and growth — progress not perfection. Listening and partnership. In our culture we openly celebrate (rather than hide) our individual failures—we share our learning process openly and take ownership of our impact. Is this something you would like to be part of with us?

Article NDIS pbs capability framework career

How can I get support with the NDIS PBS Capability Framework?

Join our team as a behaviour support practitioner and receive support right from the start. You’ll progress in your career and see how simple the PBS Capability Framework process can be. We embed it in our empowering learning culture, we focus on your needs and unique goals, and we invest in your growth. 

To join our team, contact Jane on 1300 694 625 or email [email protected]. You can also find out more about Positive Behaviour Support practitioner jobs on our website.

You can also find out more about Positive Behaviour Support training here, including free courses you can start straight away!

Originally published December 2022, updated February 2025.

We help our PBS practitioners navigate the NDIS PBS Capability Framework

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Ability Consultants is a team of Behaviour Support Practitioners who work with clients all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

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